The person I admire

A person that admire was my teacher of modern dance, her names was Monica Muñoz, She studied in Universidad de Chile and later in the Humanismo Cristiano, where she finished her degree as a pedagogue in basic education for dance. I met her in the Liceo Experimental Artistico where I started my modern dance training. She was a very important guide for my training, her taught me to feel, to enjoy and to love, filled with my life with joy and I gave everything that was within his reach. I love dance with all my strength, it was always the dance that accompanied her until her last days with life. When I knew that her had left I felt a huge sad but that's where I knew I would always be with me, I would always remain in my dance And there it will always be, dancing at my side. Thanks to Monica, I am what I am, I am grateful that in my life a person like her, dazzling and full of love, is crossed.


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